A catalytic microkinetic analysis software

Terms of Service

Welcome to CATKINAS!

1. Confirmation of Service Agreement

(1) First please read these terms and conditions carefully! expecially the bold part. If you have any questions about the contents of this Agreement or the prompt information on the page, please do not proceed to the next step.

(2) If we make any modification to this Agreement, we will announce it in advance by way of announcement on www.catkinas.com, and the modified Agreement will become effective 30 days after the expiration of the notice.If you cannot agree to change the amended agreement, you have the right to stop using the relevant services.

2. Service content provided by CATKINAS

Perform the research of microkinetic simulation and analysis of catalytic reaction by catkinas for educational and academic purposes.

3. Registration and Use of accounts

(1). Registration: You can use the CATKINAS service after applying for CATKINAS account and passing CATKINAS verification. The specific verification method shall be subject to the prompts on the CATKINAS website. Based on the need for risk control, the Administrator of CATKINAS may decide whether to provide you with user id or account.

(2). Use: The identity element is the basis for us to identify you, please keep it properly. Operations and instructions issued using identity elements are deemed to be made by you. If the account, password and other information is fraudulently used, misappropriated or illegally used due to your reasons, the risks and losses caused by this shall be borne by you.

User account are for your own use only, please do not transfer, borrow, or gift. Otherwise, we will have the right to suspend or cancel your account and stop providing services to you.

The account is for personal use only. You need to fully and clearly understand the relevant legal responsibilities and disciplinary measures for renting, lending, selling, and purchasing accounts, and promise to open and use your own account in accordance with laws and regulations.

We encourage and thank you for recommending our software to other researchers, but please ask them to register on our website instead of sending them the code directly. As your fault caused us to suffer impacts and losses, we will reserve the right to pursue.

4. Protection of intellectual property rights

(1) The content on our software and CATKINAS website, including but not limited to works, pictures, files, information, materials, website structure, website screen arrangement, web design, is owned by us or our group according to law, including but not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets, etc.

(2) Please do not use, modify, decompile, copy, publicly disseminate, change, distribute, issue or publicly publish CATKINAS software, website programs or content without our written consent.

(3) Respect for intellectual property rights is your obligation. If there is any violation, you will be liable for damages.